White Chocolate-candy Cane Cheesecake

White Chocolate-candy Cane Cheesecake
White Chocolate-candy Cane Cheesecake requires about 5 hours and 10 minutes from start to finish. This recipe serves 12. One serving contains 402 calories, 7g of protein, and 31g of fat. This recipe covers 8% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. A mixture of baker's premium baking chocolate, cool whip whipped topping, candy canes, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so yummy. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as White Chocolate-Candy Cane Cheesecake, Candy Cane Chocolate Cheesecake Cake, and Chocolate Chunk Candy Cane Cheesecake.
Fertig in5 hrs, 10 m.